mardi 1 octobre 2013

What Will the Hummingbird Update Do to Our SEO Efforts?

What is the "Hummingbird?" It's Google's new searching algorithm they are employing. A new algorithm Google says is designed to deliver better returns, hence, better search results. What does a Search Algorithm Mean? It is a term for the equation that is built into the computer searching program Google uses to sort the millions of web pages it stores to return results that are believed the best match for the search term entered, known as a "Keyword." Is the 'PageRank algorithm' not working anymore? PageRank remains as one of 225 parts that make up the Hummingbird equation. PageRank is designated as the importance page links are supposed to have, among factors as whether Google thinks a page is good quality or not, the text on it and other factors.

via Computers-and-Technology Articles from

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